High Holiday's At The Village

Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur Reservations & Seat Tickets!

Buy your tickets, sponsor a holiday event for the community or buy a special High Holidays merit - see details to the right.

High Holidays at The Village - 5785-2024 costs us $50,000 with security, rentals, Holiday prayerbooks, supplementary reading materials, chazzan-cantor, professional children’s programming, children’s programming staffing, community lunches, break-fasts, snacks, drinks and maintenance staff and Sukkot & Simchat Torah community celebrations.

Your support allows us to continue to offer these and other opportunities for Jewish education and experience throughout the year. In addition to Synagogue tickets, please consider being a High Holiday superstar with a High Holiday sponsorship.

Additionally, you have the opportunity to join Club 54-Sustaining Partners of The Village which allows you to give monthly.

Tzeddakah-charity has always been a cornerstone of our heritage. Through your acts of kindness and giving you do your part in creating a world guided by righteousness, kindness and generosity and will help us in tumultuos times like these educate and inspire the next generation to connect and celebrate their heritage and identity.

It takes a Village and we are so grateful for your partnership.

We look forward to welcoming you!

